Light as a Feather is LIVE

Words can’t fully express the emotions I felt this week when we launched Light as a Feather. It has been a long time coming and months in the making, so it felt surreal, as if it wasn’t actually happening. I felt like I was still asleep in a dream state because I couldn’t believe I, Libby Rapin, was starting an online radio show.

When I realized I was indeed in the waking state and this was actually happening, I felt so much gratitude for Deb St. Hilaire, founder of the W4Divas network. She has believed in me since day 1 and I’m so thankful to have this opportunity to join her network. I’m also especially grateful for Zuleika Tomlinson, host of Love your Transformation, who invited me on her show last year to talk about meditation (this is how I met Deb). And of course, I was grateful for the entire W4Divas team who warmly welcomed me into their community.

Then there was excitement, tons of excitement and celebration!

But the next thing I knew, that little fear critter crept in and for a slight moment the excitement faded.

The fear of being out of my comfort zone and having no idea what I was doing, or if I would be able to gain listeners swarmed my mind. There was fear that maybe I wasn’t qualified to have my own show or would say the wrong thing and get criticized. Fear that my ideas, thoughts, and opinions wouldn’t be accepted.

But you see, the Universe, God, Source Energy, whatever you want to call it, works in the most magical ways. I would get these little rays of light sent my way that took me back to the excitement. It might have been a text of encouragement or support from a friend or family member, a congratulatory comment on social media or even a little sign from nature that I was “ok”. That all was well, all would be well and this was exactly what I was supposed to be doing at this moment in time.

You see, one of the things I’ve started doing is saying yes more often. YES to opportunities that are out of my comfort zone and scare the shit out of me. YES to new experiences and adventures. Just YES in general. And when I say YES, and commit to following through on my YES, beautiful gifts and experiences just seem to flood in.

So I said YES to Deb’s crazy idea to have my own show.

This show is about my new life mission. My mission to get YOU to say YES more often. To help YOU find the ability to "flow" more freely in your life in order to bring light into the world.

It’s a show that will be about gut-wrenching and heartfelt honesty, self love and acceptance. It will be about finding ways to see beauty in every sensory experience we have in this human form and building a community of beautiful souls who want to live a more vibrant, joy-filled, compassionate, wonder-full, peaceful, and loving life.

The name Light as a Feather is symbolic for me in so many ways. The short version is that through my journey, I became a strong believer that by incorporating mindfulness and meditation into our daily lives we can bring light, healing and transformation into the world. And when we do this, we begin to feel lighter. When we let go of the excessive weight of our emotional baggage and leave behind the stress of what we think will happen in the future we “lighten our load” if you will.

And feathers, well, they have been with me every step of the way on this journey. Whenever I felt like I was at my lowest, in the most pain, getting consumed by my limiting beliefs or doubting myself, feathers would show up. They showed up in the most magical ways and in the most magical places.

Some cultures believe feathers are a message that your Angel(s) is(are) near -- sending you love, telling you things will be alright, and reminding you to live your fullest life. And I believe this too.

When I think about my mission and newfound purpose in life, it’s also about helping people be more like a feather -- strong and with purpose, but oh so light at heart.  I want my messages and meditations to help people suffering from “dis-ease” find healing and Something Beautiful in their experiences.

So this is what Light as a Feather is about and I can’t wait to see how this journey unfolds. I hope you enjoy the show and look forward to building our community and supporting you on your life journey.

For the next month, you can tune in at 6 AM, 8 AM and 11 PM ET for a daily guided meditation. If you can’t listen at these times, don’t worry. You will be able to listen to the recordings under the archive section of my host page on the W4Divas website.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook where I’m documenting my adventures and will share tips about meditation, mindfulness and wellbeing.

Lastly, I want to hear from you. I want to hear about what topics interest you. Where you’re at in your meditation journey. What you’re struggling with. How meditation has affected your life. How I can support you as a coach and friend on this crazy, beautiful life journey. I would love nothing more than to connect with you, so don’t be shy. You can reach me at

May you walk in beauty and join me in saying YES!


Libby Rapin